We are teaching another great family

So these past two weeks have been super fun but surprisingly cold (didn't that would ever be a problem in Taiwan). Last Wednesday was temple day, so we got to get on a train to Taipei and do some temple work. At the MTC we got to go the temple every Wednesday and it just kind of became part of my life. But out in the field it was a much less common occurrence. So getting that opportunity really brought back that spirit of the temple and made me regret not taking advantage of having a temple just a 30 minute drive away back home. 

Things here in Zhubei are still going pretty great. We met the Liao family on the street last month and they actually came to church on Christmas. They've been coming to church since and the members have just been swarming them. They love church and have really seen the difference the church has made in the member's lives. On Saturday we met with them at Starbucks and brought Sister Xie (Charlie and Yvonne's mom) with us and she bore a powerful testimony to how the gospel has blessed her family. We then asked Helen (Momma Liao) if her and her family would join the church and accept baptism. And she replied by saying "Of course we will." Sister Xie then invited them to come receive the investigator lessons at her house while Charlie and Yvonne receive the recent convert lessons. I am so excited for the Liao family to start down this wonderful road to being an eternal family and to have the Xie family taking such a huge role in it is just a great manifestation of their conversion. 
But yeah anyways, I'm absolutely loving the mission.


 Elder Erickson with Elder Aiano

The Elders with the Liao family

Week 17


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