The best week EVER!

So this week was just the best week ever.

THE LIAO FAMILY GOT BAPTIZED! It was so amazing. Their testimonies are all so strong. When Nick was asked to bear his testimony in sacrament, it was so powerful. He started it by saying he had been reading in 2 Nephi 31 and started talking about the importance of enduring to the end. After sacrament, we had a potluck and the former Provo mission president happened to be there visiting with his daughter who served in Taipei. He had some good conversations with Nick about the temple and Nick expressed a lot of desire to take his family there. They're just the best family ever and are going to be such a great help in building up God's kingdom here in Taiwan. 

But this week I have been focusing a lot on removing distractions and tuning in to the spirit. I have been thinking about how spiritually in tune I was back at the MTC and how helpful it was in all the lessons there. And I thought of what changed when I came to Taiwan. I was reading just as much scriptures, saying just as many prayers, and being just as obedient. And it hit me, at the MTC you are surrounded by missionaries and always just in this spiritual bubble. And out here in the real world there are so many distractions. Its so easy to just look at all the buildings and beautiful scenery in Taiwan while finding or get distracted by a disruptive child while teaching a lesson. But I've found as I've focused on finding the prepared people, I have been guided by the spirit to find them, or as I have tuned in to the spirit and our investigator in a lesson, the questions that I need to ask and experiences I should share have just come to me. 
Just so many miracles. Its great. 

 He sent this photo and later realized it was the wrong one. He said "oh shoot i accidentally sent elder Reintjes' selfy hahahaha"
He sent the correct photo but I had posted that photo last week which was a nice picture of the
 Laio family baptism.

and a lovely candid from that one hike. photo cred to Elder Donalson.​


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