So this week was like sooooo busy. When we first got here and like opened the area I was thinking we were just going to be on the streets trying to find people for like the whole transfer, but we already have appointments like all the time and are seeing so many miracles! I'm really loving this. 

But anyways last Friday we met with our part member family kids I talked about last time. Their names are Charlie (12 years old) and Yvonne (10 years old) and they are the coolest! And their lessons have been going great. Elder Hammond said that Charlie already understands priesthood authority better than most adult investigators. So they're just golden. There's so much excitement about the gospel in their home now and its a great place to feel the spirit. Me and Elder Hammond were talking about what great of an opportunity this is because we talk to so many families and its just not their time to accept the gospel, but you always wonder how it would feel to be the missionaries who are there when it is their time. But it turns out that we actually are those missionaries who got this rare opportunity to witness this miracle and it is sooo great. 

We also have another golden investigator who's name is Dustin. So it was actually last Monday we got a text from church headquarters that said that someone in our area had gone on and referred himself to the missionaries. So how great is that? We literally had someone come to us and ask for us to teach him. It's so cool! He's great too. We've already had two lessons and he came to church and has a huge interest in the restoration, Joseph Smith, and the Book of Mormon. So yeah, GOLDEN. 

On Saturday we had a pretty cool opportunity to go on a hike with the super cool Sister Ni and one of her friends from like middle school or something. She's just trying to share the gospel with everyone. But anyways this guy is great and it turns out he met with the missionaries like 20 years ago or something like that and had this super cool Book of Mormon from before they changed the name from 3 to 4 characters. But he's great and super open to hearing more about the gospel and the hike was so fun. He showed us around and took us to this like citrus fruit orchard or something like that and they had the best oranges ever and they had these little citrus fruits like oranges except you don't peel them and they were so good. I think I took a picture of them but I forgot my camera today so I'll try to remember that next week. But yeah the hike was a success and we gave him a new Book of Mormon and committed himself to read the whole thing. So that was pretty cool. 

But anyways Taiwan is great. The spirit is strong and we're out here putting in work. 

ps: if you haven't seen this video make sure to check it out and share it with your on friends on facebook or whatever you kids are using these days. 


Since Elder Erickson forgot his camera, here are the pictures Sister Ni shared from their hike.

 Here is Elder Erickson with his companion Elder Hammond at the buddhist temple doing something with sticky rice in peanut powder.


  1. Papa and I wish you a very Happy Birthday. We love you Andrew and you are in our prayers. We put your name on the roles of the Temple. It's wonderful to see your happy face.


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